Sayari Dunia Means
PLANET EARTH In Kiswahili Language

Kiswahili, originating from a mixture of Arab and Bantu cultures, is widely spoken across Africa by 200 million active users.

Our Foundation

Sayari Dunia Sustainable Tourism Foundation is a climate action and sustainable tourism foundation that focuses on climate mitigation, adaptation, bio-diversity conservation, energy transition, green finance and green entrepreneurship for green development. The foundation operates at the intersection of tourism, trade and sustainability targeting women, youths, MSMEs, communities and cities. Through our advocacy programmes and initiatives we secure interventions for Africa’s sustainable tourism development with a strong focus on CLIMATE ACTION to accelerate Africa’s journey to NETZERO.

Our Vision

When we set up Sayari Dunia Sustainable Tourism Foundation, our vision was to accelerate the UN Sustainable Development Goals 2030 of a viable, peaceable, livable planet and AU vision 2063 of an economically prosperous and united Africa. We set out to address the triple planetary crisis of climate change, pollution and bio- diversity loss that mitigates sustainable tourism development, to promote peace, community development and sustainable trade and to foster a green economy and achieve a netzero Africa.

Our Mission

To protect the planet, decarbonize and promote sustainability in the tourism and trade sectors and their respective supply chains, whilst optimizing the economic opportunities inherent in the transition journey for sustainable tourism development in Africa.